sweet and romantic feelings in Raseborg
Antskog, Raseborg
There are no word to describe how cool and laid-back Kaneli and Ville are.
The bilingual (Swedish & Finnish) party was held in an old wooden building in Antskogen, a small village just next to Fiskars in the Finnish coastal countryside.
Dinner tables were set with wild flowers and speaches were filled with philosophical thoughts, poems and love. All decorations were build and made by the couple and their closest friend group during a couple of days before the wedding. After two hours of cocktails in the garden combined with a bingo game that allowed guests to get to know each others, a delicious vegetarian dinner waited inside the house. There was so much romance, poetry and beauty during the whole evening. Everyone got to come to the wedding as they were, in their own style, and somehow they all still blended together perfectly. Later in the evening, just after sunset, we escaped to take portraits in a nearby forest - and Kaneli and Ville got a little moment for only the two of them.